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Which brokers and data feeds are supported by tymoraPRO?

Receive quotes and trade with tymoraPRO live through the following entities:
Fusion DMA / Blackwood Pro - full depth of book and multi-route algo execution for stocks
FXCM Forex - data + execution via ForexConnect / TradingStation
NinjaTrader 7 Futures - full emini futures depth of book (quotes only)
Infinity Futures AT - full emini futures depth of book (quotes only)


tymoraPRO is also compatible with live real-time exchange data from the following vendors:

ActiveTick ($19.95/mo + exchange fees, unlimited symbols, and 30-day free trial!)*

eSignal/QCharts (30-day free trial)

Bloomberg (via DDE) (30-day free trial)

MarketFeed (7-day free trial)

RealTick (requires api toolkit)


Note that data/exchange fees and execution costs (if applicable) are in addition to any tymoraPRO subscription fees.

Feeds that support U.S. Stocks only


Feeds that support U.S. Stocks, Futures, and/or Forex


Note that multiple data feeds may be used by tymoraPRO simultaneously (ie. you can combine your preferred stock, futures, and forex feeds).
* For ActiveTick users, tymoraPRO DOES NOT require the API subscription to work.
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Article ID: 10
Category: tymoraPRO tradeSCAN
Date added: 2024-12-20 15:00:57
Views: 3427
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (270)

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