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Is there a tymoraPRO tradeSCAN command cheat sheet available?

Solution The following information is also available on the tymoraPRO "Help->HELP->CheatSheet" screen. Note that the options and features described below are also shown as popup hints on their related window components in tymoraPRO.

Main Control Bar

·       Double-Click status window (ie. where it says "tymoraPRO Connection Integrity Intact") to show the Client Connection Statistics window. You can also enable or disable various ECN books from here as well (ie. if an ECN book gets stuck, or to remove an ECN for pre/post-market action)

·       Right-Click the status window for a popup menu listing all active charts and montages. You can also access other features from here, such as Asset Notes, Upcoming Earnings/Dividends, AlertBreakdownTree, AssetLog, ChartMontage, windowManager, and WebLinks.

·       AUDIO CONTROLS: Use the "K" button to clear the audio/voice buffer. Right-Click the "K" button to disable most audio/voice sounds in tymoraPRO.

·To disable tymoraPRO's blipping sound, click the "Blip/NoB" button on the WatchVU window. To disable the "Pattern Alert" voice alerts, click the "Voice/NoV" button on the WatchVU window.


·       Access Indicator Window by Right-Clicking on the checkbox on the lower right-side of the upper Level Chart

·Select/Highlight Indicator (by clicking) and Right-Click to adjust indicator settings

·Double-Click Custom Indicator to view indicator source code

·       Right-Click on asset box to show a list of recent assets to choose from

·       Click 2 points to calculate Total Up/Down Volume and Time/Bars Elapsed

·       Click 3 points to calculate Retracement

·       Hold Right-Button for CrossHairs

·       Ctrl+Right-Button to draw a TrendLine

·       Shift+Ctrl+Right-Button to draw an Extended TrendLine (with automatic alerts)

·       Shift+Right-Button to Remove last drawn TrendLine

·       Alt+Right-Button draws a Horizontal TrendLine

·       Shift+Alt+Right-Button draws an Extended Horizontal TrendLine (with automatic alerts)

·       Hold Ctrl key, then click on two points on the chart to Create and Track a Wave Retracement/Projection

·       Ctrl+Left-Click to remove the Wave Retracement/Projection

·       On the ChartHeader:

·       Double-click to show complete alert

·       Right-Click to list current asset's MultiVU participation

·       Double-Right-Click to add current asset to the currently selected MultiVU tab

·       Ctrl-Right-Click to toggle price versus levels on upper LevelChart

·       The Up/Down Button (lower right of chart window when both charts are open):

·       Click up/down to adjust LevelChart / ChartTrend Size in ChartVU

·       Ctrl+Click causes a bigger jump with each click up or down

·       Right-Click up/down to Adjust the height of the Oscillator Pane versus the Chart

·       Chart Compression Adjustment Bar:

·       Use mouse to change amount of data shown

·       PgUp/Dn or (Shft and/or Ctrl) + (Up/Dn or Mousewheel) for BigChange

·       (Alt/Alt+Ctrl)+MouseWheel = ChartScroll

·       Miscellaneous:

·       Double-Click second ChartHeader (showing Open/High/Low/PrevClose) to bring up StatsVU window (news, stats, etc)

·       Double-Click Up/Down bid indicator to GetNEWS on StatsVU page

·       Double-Clicking a chart to make it the active window will ALSO bring forward all other charts with that same asset


MultiVU / xMultiVUs


·       Double-Click a MultiVU tab header to create a new separate xMultiVU window

·Double-Click a WatchVU tab header to create a new separate xWatchVU

·       ~(squiggleKey) = SortMenu (click in an xMultiVU window)

·       Ins/Del=Add/RmvAsset

·       +/-=Size, *=OnTop

·       Double-Click asset for StatsVU

·       Ctrl+Q=QuikCharts

·       Ctrl+Right-Click = ChartMontage

·       Ctrl+ P=Profile, S=Stats, I=Industry[Sector], M/D=MajorHolders[Inst/Insider], F=FoolCAPS, K=StkPikr

·       Ctrl+ C=Competitors, E=EPS, A=SeekingAlpha, R=StockScouter, T=StockTwits, O=OptionPricer, W=WeeklyChart, L=WebMsgs, V=FinViz



·       P=Profile, S=Stats, I=Industry[Sector], M/D=MajorHolders[Inst/Insider], C=Competitors, E=EPS, F=FoolCAPS, K=StkPikr, Q=QuikChrts

·       H=WhisperNumber, A=SeekingAlpha, R=StockScouter, T=StockTwits, O=OptionPricer, W=WeeklyChart, L=WebMsgs, V=FinViz


Order Execution Window


     Ctrl-T (or F12) will also Transmit an Order. 

     Ctrl-C (or F4) will Cancel an Order. 

     Ctrl-M (or F5) will show the ModifyOrder Window.

·    Inside the Order Modify Window, you can use the Space Bar, F2, TAB or Enter to Lock in the Modified Order.

·    Once an Order is Locked in (new order will appear at the top of the Modify Window -- with yellow border if already live) proceed to Transmit to send out the order changes.

·    If you have a Mouse Wheel that can also act as a Middle Mouse Button, you can adjust each field in the Modify Window with the Wheel, and Lock it in by clicking down on the Wheel. 

·    If your order does not designate a Side (BUY or SELL), then Transmit will not work. You must click on the B or the S to Transmit the order to that Side of the Market.

·    If an order has not yet been transmitted, you can change its SIDE by clicking on the SIDE of the unsent order. It will toggle between BUY and SELL.


·       ORDER ENTRY can occur directly from a DepthVU window utilizing the following keyboard/mouse combinations:


Ctrl+LeftClick on a MM/ECN/Tier loads an order TO BUY at that price.

If BUY price is Below Market, boRt Route will be used, otherwise the mRt Route will be selected.

Ctrl+RightClick on a MM/ECN/Tier loads an order TO SELL at that price.

If SELL price is Above Market, boRt Route will be used, otherwise the mRt Route will be selected.


Shift+LeftClick on a MM/ECN/Tier loads an order TO BUY at that price, to be executed BY THAT MM/ECN

Shift+RightClick on a MM/ECN/Tier loads an order TO SELL at that price, to be executed BY THAT MM/ECN


Ctrl+Shift+LeftClick on a MM/ECN/Tier loads an order at that price TO BUY.

If BUY price is Below Market, boRt Route will be used, otherwise the mRt Route will be selected.


NOTE: The moment Ctrl+Shift is held, QuikEx! will appear at the top of the DepthVU and its Header will turn YELLOW to signal INSTANT TRANSMISSION MODE.

Ctrl+Shift+RightClick on a MM/ECN/Tier loads an order at that price TO SELL.

If SELL price is Above Market, boRt Route will be used, otherwise the mRt Route will be selected.


NOTE: The moment Ctrl+Shift is held, QuikEx! will appear at the top of the DepthVU and its Header will turn YELLOW to signal INSTANT TRANSMISSION MODE.


Alt+LeftClick on a MM/ECN/Tier loads the displayed QUANTITY into the Order Execution Window.


Double-Click on a MM/ECN/Tier loads an order at that price, WITHOUT a BUY or SELL designation.

To send the order, you must click on either the B or S on the order line (or Ctrl-B / Ctrl-S) and the order will be designated as a BUY or a SELL and WILL BE Immediately Transmitted. 

If you Right-Click on the B or S order line, the order will be designated as a BUY or a SELL and WILL NOT be Immediately Transmitted.



·       When adding a new WatchVU tab, place an exclamation point in front (ie. !breakout) for a new tab that allows you to filter all incoming data and assets. You can also add a tab for a single asset (ie. SPY). Other tabs include #ALL (all alerts), #ALRT (local price, trendline, and retracement alerts), #NWS (news-based alerts), #TRD (trade signal alerts), and #SCR1 (script-based alerts).

·       Use the "MainFilter" button to set the underlying filter for a particular tab. For example, a tab called "!reversals" could have a MainFilter of "1-20 REVERSAL CROSS !". The "1-20" (optional) shows only alerts on assets price from $1-$20. The exclamation point at the end of the filter (also optional) sends the assets to a new MultiVU tab for additional real-time sorting and monitoring.

·       To more quickly familiarize yourself with the meaning of tymoraPRO's alerts and modifiers, you can quickly and easily access a breakdown (with definitions by tag) of each trading alert by double-clicking on the alert in any of the WatchVU, xWatchVU, Alert Breakdown Tree, or InfoAlert windows.

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Article ID: 16
Category: tymoraPRO tradeSCAN
Date added: 2025-02-26 13:40:31
Views: 3448
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.5/5.0 (76)

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